My Fitness Journey | 12 Week Transformation Challenge

What was your new year resolution you listed EVERY YEAR?
What was the 'every day's wish' you had started to do every time you indulged something real guilty

But it never happened?

I made mine happened.
So let me share my journey with you & i'm keeping it lifelong sustainable.

[Disclaimer, or, Read at Your Own Risk]
Much of the information on this article in are purely base on my personal experience & journey. Methods described and ingredients listed in this article works effectively on me but it may not be well on you. I may not be making any accuracy in any form of research or information i had experience through my journey and do not take any responsible on any actions you take upon the information in this website is strictly at your own risk. Also, i will not be liable for any losses and damages in connection with the use of the content stated.

It started off with a simple motive in December 2016.
I was chubby & hitting at the heaviest peak of my life at that very moment.
I could still remember the day of this picture above. Taken on 10th December 2016, pre-celebrating my birthday & christmas in a cafe with some of my closest friend.

I was not very happy with my life, infact i was suffering from depression over some lost in my life.
I was penny-less, feeling hopeless, nightmares, insomnia & very negative.

Honest speaking, i was not FAT, but living in this society could be very hard sometimes.
People would judge me over my chubbiness & calling me fat or names, asking me to cover up or shed some weight off. It was tough but i was strong. Until one day i realize my health was deteriorate & feeling like a weakling always visiting my doctor, so i decided to stop all these mentality of 'weakling' & look into 'solutions'. 

I have got very bad stamina, asthma would come when i jog for 3mins, i cant open a mineral water bottle cap nor carry any heavy stuff around. I didnt dare to swim cuz i was not confident in exposing my skin or flesh in public.

I was very much covering up in fabrics, always in black, and i avoid the camera if possible.

Til one day in January, a friend shared about her past & stories then encouraged me much on picking up my weakness in running & injecting much positiveness into my mind in that 2hour of conversation sitting in the garden til midnight.

Quote her 'If You Think You Can, YOU CAN.'
It was totally a mind trick.

When i cant breathe during my run, i walk. Then pick back up the speed to jog then walk again.
It was like an on off on off switch during my run but i kept it at my own pace & time.
Also, i was eating half clean in my meals.

December 2016
Workout: Yoga only
Water: 1 Litre
Meal: Cut out carbs. Prepped my own meals. Alot of fruit juice.
Health Condition: Asthma, Weak Stamina, Acid Reflux, Back ache. Lactose Intolerance.

Carbs during lunch & cut it out during dinner.
I only allow myself to have a ONE CHEAT MEAL a week only.

Then zoom to March 2017 i definitely look great in some significant lost of weight but i was very particular on the numbers shown on the machine every week.
My weight was fluctuating between 57 to 55 then 56.

I was still eating half clean, drink less than 2Litre of water only and i know i needed help.

Pic above you could see that my tummy was very obvious & i lost some fats on my cheek.
Yes, i love off shoulder dresses & tops.
And worse of it, the blue off shoulder dress was suppose to be worn on my birthday back Dec 2016 but it didnt happen cuz i could not fit in. So whoever saw it that night was lucky to see me out from my box! hahhaha.

MARCH 2017
Feeling lighter but i was very very much stressing myself in my dieting
Workout: Running & Yoga every alternative day. Rest on Sunday
Water: 1.5 Litre
Meal: Cut out carbs & eat more veg, lessen on sugar & salt intake. Prepped my own meals. 
Health Condition: Better Stamina, Acid Reflux, Lactose Intolerance. I could catch my breath while joggin now.

So i made alot of research in dieting to see how i could help improve on my fitness but there was alot of 'impossible' mindset running in my head.
I was an impossible girl suddenly.
Impossible to look lean, impossible to go swim, go hike, go travel, impossible to be happy, impossible this & that. I was very lack in self confident even though i had lost a significant of numbers in weight but i still could not afford to wear those nice dresses i see in store.

Quote him 'No one is limiting you except you YOURSELF.'
It strike me again like a thunder but thanks to this it had changed me for real.

And again i was penny-less, was seeking for free consultation in gym & elsewhere if possible. But nothing comes free in this world & i was very eager to learn on better postures in workouts and to reach out to the fitness community if possible.
Then I signed myself into a 12week challenge on the weight lift class routine in Honey Badgers Boulevard 10 PJ (short form HB) thinking after 12 weeks i would look fabulous loosing all the fats on my body. But what i didnt know is that i signed up more than what i had expected. 

June 2017
Bloating issues, weight fluctuate, no muscles formed.
The #12weekchallenge was changing my routine & lifestyle all of the sudden.
Workout: 7AM weight lifting session at HB (mon, wed, fri), cardio (tues, thurs, sat)
Water:  minimum 2 Litre
Meal: 5 serving for veg a day, protein (meat/veg) in every meal, sugarfree
Health Condition: Acid Reflux controlled. Lactose Intolerance.

It was not tough at all on my meals because i was already eating clean for months just gotta top up my veg & adjust on my protein intake. The coaches did not stress out on my meals because they wanted me to adapt according to my lifestyle & be moderate. To enjoy the process, not suffering.

So the only thing i have got to adapt & change was my workout hours from night to the morning! And i gotta reach the gym by 645am.

(Left to Right) Training days in HB. Routines of deadlift, strict press, bent over row, box jump, kettlbells, ring row etc etc.

I met lots of great inspiring people in this gym.
Mostly are ladies during the morning hours & there were fit moms taking heavier weights & looking so damn fabulous in their body shape. They were all humble, friendly & always putting a smile up on  face even though the workouts are tough & tiring. *applause* 

Besides than sticking to my weight lifting classes with HB, on my cardio days i would do various workout like yoga, running, trx, home workout, etc & with Hiking on my Sunday.

(Left to Right) Outdoor activities: Running, Hiking

(Left to Right) Various Yoga classes & Home Workout

(Left to Right) Swimming & Vacations

I will only rest when my body dont feel like pushing it's limit.
You just gotta listen to your body. Dont overwork it.

Vacation with friends: They said i was slimming down too fast but i did not felt anything except my pants was getting very loose.

July 2017
Bloating issues on off still occur, weight mantained, arms toning up slowly.
The changes in July was i stopped weighting or measuring myself.
Workout: 7AM weight lifting session at HB (mon, wed, fri), cardio (tues, thurs, sat)
Water:  minimum 2 Litre
Meal: I was craving for more veges (addicted) & feeling hungry every 2-3 hours.

The biggest changes on my 5th week onwards of my #12weekchallenge was my food intake.
I enjoyed working out & appetite absolutely changed.
Weirdest part is, i was craving to eat alot alot of veg be it raw or cooked.
I even cut out fruit juices as fruits contain sugar & i only 'chew' them in moderate quantity instead of blending it.

So July was a meal adjustment month for me.
Before my #12weekchallenge i was already having overnight oats for breakfast and I was taking a plantbase/pea protein name Soluxe.  
So practically all my overnight oats & smoothie (veg or fruit) i would add half or a full scoop of the protein powder into my drinks. I even baked my waffle/bread/pancakes with it.
*Note: not every protein powder could be cooked/baked. please research.

And it acted as my daily miracle muscle recovery.

I became even active in my fitness insta account Halffitmile ( uploading my daily meal intakes & trying to cook my meals everyday if possible.

Be it clean or not, you gotta be honest with yourself.
If you know it's not good for your body, so you gotta do better in your next meal.
It's okay if you fail today, do better tomorrow & keep the game stronger every new day.

People always say abs are made in kitchen.
I have to agree on this. It all about 60% of food & 40% of exercise.
And your water intake have to be minimum 2Litre to keep your metabolism run.

"You are what you eat."
So eat healthily. If you enjoy eating cabbage or any specific veg, eat more of it as a beginner. Then add in more other green leafy veg or variety then change your appetite slowly. It does not come in a fortnight to become a victoria secret model. 

August 2017
Mentality adjustment. What was my fitness goal?
I practically dont care about my weight at all & feel on my changes through mirror.
Workout: 7AM weight lifting session at HB (mon, wed, fri), cardio (tues, thurs, sat), hiking Sunday.
Water:  minimum 2.5 Litre
Meal: Meals got bigger & i tend to try to eat more 'quality food' in big quantity than binge eating.

I regret for not pushing myself in my first month with HB
I knew i could take up heavier weights but i was afraid. I wanted my posture to be corrected then only taking up the courage to carry heavier weights. But of course all is good now as i am gradually adding weight weekly. Deadlift was 25kg to now almost 50kg within 3months.
For your information, HB is an overall body fitness & wellness.
Again, it's adaptation, not suffering.

The point i was never slim myself in my entire life.
Seeing things like above picture really do motivates me.

What motivates even better is that i look different in August while adjusting my mentality between fitness & sustainability. The fact i realize i did not wanted to look skinny. I wanted to look lean & a little chubby. And i was feeling rather happy because i am able to adjust on my food option when i dine out easily. It's not about overindulging but to eat them moderately & balance.

And time flies real fast that my session with HB #12weekchallenge ended
Left is Simon, Right is Yin. They are my morning coaches. Thanks to them within my 12week & also to my assigned coach Jayden & founder Felix for the discussion about fitness goal.

I wanted to continue my session with them as a normal member but i could not afford due to $$$ and i have got other workout plans to achieve. But i am very satisfy with my results.

I was actually gaining weight. Good muscles weight.
from original 55kg/56kg to 58kg. I was loosing 5cm on my waist & i was one size smaller.

And i am still trying to resolve on my core strength & those loose skin on me.
It's ok. take it slowly. :)
After all is not how much fat i had shredded, is how much i enjoy my journey and able to keep it sustainable every now & then.

Also to all ladies out there. It's OKAY to feel fat/bloat every one week of the month.
I tend to embrace it now as i'm just only a human after all.

Its been a month i had graduated from HB #12weekchallenge.
I am still eating clean unconsciously & having cheats happily.
Wines, Chocolates, Icecreams, Pizzas are never my enemies now <3
*balance, people, BALANCE!*

September 2017 (59KG)
Fitness totally on my own now. I am now taking up pole dance as part of my cardio too ;)
Workout:  6,30am weight lifting in gym (mon, wed, fri), cardio (tues, thurs, sat), hiking Sunday.
Water:  minimum 2.5 Litre
Meal: Intermitten Fasting

Health Condition: Lactose Intolerance. I sleep better & feeling great all day despite of my fasting.

Quote by her
"You workout to celebrate what your body can do, not to burn what you had indulged"

And being confident is the main key too.

Honestly, i am still lacking in confidence every now & then due to my personality.
To be able to write this article & sharing it with you is indeed my biggest step out from my comfort zone. What most important is NEVER GIVE UP. we are all limitless!

"Never Try, Never Know"
Dont rush yourself in seeing the results.
Dont stress yourself in achieving the outcome.
It does not matter whether it takes you 1 or 2 year to slim down but always remember to keep it up to your own pace & most important you must enjoy the process while eating clean & working out. 
Cut down your habit slowly & you will adapt it better or even sustainable.

Again, this is a non sponsored post. 
Any information stated above works great on me as i am quite an extremist in workout so it may not suits you. Pick up any workout be it walking in the park 30mins to an hour every week then gradually add in more cardio as a starter. Dont be afraid of weights or machines in the gym. They are your best friend who will not abandon you but to make you feel great and fabulous months later.
I hope i had inspired you. Lets make the change together!

Also note that i did not consume any diet/slimming pils or detox through the above journey. Purely eating clean, working out in both HB, GYM (weight & cardio) & outdoor activities, taking multi-vitamins, fish oil & pea protein. 

"There is no IF, because YOU CAN!"

My fitness insta

Honey Badgers Fitness


1 comment:

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